A Call to Action, 2024

Fellow local Democrats:

Do you remember how you felt that night in November 2016 when Donald Trump was announced as winner of the Presidential election?

…Have you started to feel that way again as he inches closer to becoming the MAGA candidate this year?

The good news is that there IS something that we can do about that!

We need to work together to motivate registered Democrats and No Party Preference voters to VOTE BLUE this year! Take a deep breath and let’s turn that outrage, despair, or cynicism in a positive direction. We need to Get Out The Vote!

To gear up for the November election, we need help!

There are various ways you can make a difference:

  • How about working a table to register voters at events, right in your community — Temecula? Murrieta? Menifee? etc?
  • Writing postcards to potential voters?
  • Can you knock on doors of Democratic voters in your neighborhood?
  • Maybe do phone/text banking for local candidates?

The Riverside County Democratic Party has developed a county-wide Neighborhood Leaders program just for some of those needs. Here’s a quick Google form where you can check a few boxes and let us know how, when, and where you might be able to help, per your schedule and inclination.
And of course, if you want to help but have limited time and/or energy, please join the SW Demsrenew your membership, or donate to our Hamilton Club. Those will all help us fund our outreach efforts.

We CAN make a difference in 2024. Let’s do it!
Thank you!

Democratically yours,
Elena Garcia, Events Committee Chair
Jane DeLaurier, Membership Chair
Mark Wojciechowski, Political Action Chair

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
                                                                            –Edmund Burke